My brother and I recently went to Santa Barbara, CA to visit my grandmother (Dad's mom), Aunt Janet, and Cousin Willis. (Lizzie couldn't join us 'cause she was studying for some big tests.) It was BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!!

Here is (l to r) my brother, Aunt Janet, Poke (aka grandmother), and Willis. This was taken at the Mission in Santa Barbara. It was built sometime in the 1700s. It's really beautiful and full of history.

I took this picture at a Danish village up the coast from Santa Barbara. There was a huge windmill and all sorts of pastry shoppes. (Ah yes, the olde worlde spellingse.)

Here we are on the coast! We ate at this great little seafood place on the pier. We were sitting there, eating our lobster bisque, and these HUGE crabs were attempting an escape from the tank. The smaller ones would stand on top of each other, and the larger ones would take a running start like gymnasts jumping over the pummel horse. Too bad...they didn't make it.

How cool is this hydrangea??!!?? They had a bunch of them at this old hotel where we had Sunday brunch before having to say goodbye. The hotel was on the side of a mountain with this AWESOME view of the coast through the trees. It just blows my mind!!!

At the same hotel, they had this huge garden, complete with fountain and little pool with fish. I can't imagine living someplace where spring/summer is how you spend your entire year. No overcoats. No scarves. I'd love it, but I'd miss my scarves.
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